1950 Census Prep for Maternal Relatives

Last week I took care of making a list of addresses and enumeration districts (EDs) for my paternal family. This week, I'm focusing on the maternal side. The 1950 federal census records will be released on April 1, but there will be no indexes yet. I need to know the address of each person in order to locate them in specific enumeration districts, where I will browse for their households. To find their address, I used city directories, voter registrations, newspaper articles, and other records that give addresses. To find their enumeration district, I used the One-Step Unified Census ED Finder at Stevemorse.org.

These are the direct ancestors who I expect to find on my mother’s side of the family.

Pleasant Hill, California
Tom J. and Pansy Johnston were living at 307 Nancy Lane.[1] Tom would be 37 and Pansy 36. I don’t know what his job was. He could be working at the pool hall. She may have been working as a seamstress for a dress or clothing store. Their daughter, Lela Nell, was 15, attending high school. This town was in an unincorporated area of the county. According to the map, they would be in ED 7-43.[2] Their housing development was so new, it didn’t even show on the map. Their house would be about where the yellow star.

Stephenville, Texas
Thomas N. Johnston and his wife, lived at 1003 W Green.[3] There are two EDs even though I put in four streets at the One-step site: 72-3 and 72-4. Looking at the ED map for Stephenville, their house was in 72-4.[4] His address is shown with the red star.

George Warren Lancaster and wife, Lela Ann (Loveless) lived at 888 West McNeill Street.[5]  However, this address came up with one ED number: 72-2. His address is shown with the blue star.

Grandaunts & uncles
Beryl Russell, lived at 1515 O Street, Apt 20, in Sacramento, California; ED 70-82
Mildred and IF Bay, lived at 412 N 12th Street, McAllen, Texas, ED 108-32
Hal Johnston lived at 65 Sun Valley Dr, Walnut Creek, California, ED 70-72

No Known Address:
Luther E Johnston lived somewhere in Merced, California.
Rayburn D. Lancaster lived in Japan.
Wayne E Lancaster lived in Austin, Texas, attending school at the University of Texas.

Here is the updated chart to make browsing easier:



ED No.

Street address



Tom & Pansy Johnston

California, Pleasant Hill


307 Nancy Lane



Lela Nell Johnston

California, Pleasant Hill


307 Nancy Lane



Thomas N Johnston

Texas, Stephenville


1003 W Green



George W & Lela Ann Lancaster

Texas, Stephenville


888 West McNeill St



Beryl Russell

California, Sacramento


1515 O St apt 20



Mildred & IF Bay

Texas, McAllen


412 N 12th



Hal Johnston

California, Walnut Creek


65 Sun Valley Dr



[1] Contra Costa County, California, County Recorder, deed, v. 1483, p. 371, file no. 48488, Hergan Inc to Tom Johnston Jr and Pansy L Johnston, 1949.
[2] 1950 Census Enumeration District map, Contra Costa County, California, ED 7-1 to 190, NARA 7634493 (page 2), digital image, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:1950_Census_Enumeration_District_Maps_-_California#/media/File:1950_Census_Enumeration_District_Maps_-_California_(CA)_-_Contra_Costa_County_-_Contra_Costa_County_-_ED_7-1_to_190_-_NARA_-_7634493_(page_2).jpg
[3] "Texas Deaths, 1890-1976," digital image, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/search/collection/1983324 ); Erath Co, No. 7051, Thomas Newton Johnston, 1951; citing FHL film 1845915, citing Texas Department of Health Bureau of Vital Statistics.
[4] 1950 Census Enumeration District map, Erath County, Texas, ED 72-1 to 6, NARA 44271340, digital image, https://catalog.archives.gov/id/44271340.
[5] "Ex Qualifies to Pilot Jet Plane," The J-TAC (Stephenville, Tex.), 25 May 1948, p. 1, The Portal to Texas History (https://texashistory.unt.edu/).

Copyright © 2022 by Lisa S. Gorrell, Mam-ma's Southern Family, All rights reserved.


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