Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - The Date Your Grandmother Was Born

Randy Seaver of Genea-Musing has another great challenge tonight:
1)  What day of the week was your Grandmother born (either one)? Tell us how you found out.
2)  What event was a headline in the newspapers on that date?  Tell us how you found out.
3) What has happened in recorded history on your Grandmother's birth date (day and month)? Tell us how you found out, and list five events.
4)  What famous people have been born on your Grandmother's birth date?  Tell us how you found out, and list five of them. 
5)  Put your responses in your own blog post, in a comment on this blog post, or in a status or comment on Facebook.
Day of the Week 
My grandmother, Pansy Louise Lancaster, was born on Wednesday, November 19, 1913 in Erath County, Texas to George Warren Lancaster and Lela Ann Loveless. I found out the day of the week by searching November 1913 in Wikipedia.

For headlines, I typed in the date into the search box at

A headline from the Pacific Commercial Advertiser, a paper in Honolulu, was “Huerta’s Hold in Mexico Weakens.” There were also images from Mexico City.

In Texas, where she was born, an Austin Statesman headline was “Grand Jury Reviews fatality of Strike.” A Southern Pacific engineer was killed by a striker.

To get a headline from her hometown paper, I turned to the Portal of Texas History where they have the digital newspapers from Erath County. The Stephenville Empire was a weekly paper, so the nearest one to her birth was November 21, 1913.

One headline was “George Knight Will Lick Your Stamps,” a story about the postmaster’s offer of his staff to lick the stamps for the holidays. Another headline stated “Births Reported” which had the births divided by boys and girls. At the bottom of the list was a girl for G.W. Lancaster, which was my grandmother!

Events that happened on the November 19 (
1620: Pilgrims sight Cape Cod
1861: Julia Ward Howe writes “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”
1863: Abraham Lincoln delivers the “Gettysburg Address”
1897: The Great “City Fire” in London breaks out
1969: Apollo 12 touches down on the moon

Famous Births
Famous persons born on November 19 (
1600: Charles 1, King of England and Ireland
1797: Sojourner Truth
1831: James Garfield, 20th President of the U.S.
1917: Indira Gandhi, prime minister of India (1967-1977, 1978-1984)
1936: Dick Cavett, TV talk show host

Copyright © 2018 by Lisa Suzanne Gorrell, Mam-ma's Southern Family


  1. That 'licking stamps' service - not something you see everyday :-)


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