Treasure Chest Thursday: Ebbie Loveless Married Again

My great-great-grandfather, Ebenezer Loveless married first Eliza A. Rodgers on 19 Mar 1871 in Chattooga County, Georgia.[1] They moved to Faulkner County, Arkansas where their eleven children were born. After Eliza’s death from dropsy on 27 Aug 1907[2], Ebbie moved to Erath County, Texas where his son, James Arthur, was living.

On 11 Sep 1908, Ebbie took out a marriage license to marry Mrs. M. M. Blunt. A list of marriage licenses were in the newspaper.[3]  Here is the image of the newspaper account.
The Dublin Progress, 11 Sep 1908, p1

They were married by the minister, J.F. Adams, on 12 Sep 1908.[4] Here is the image of the marriage record.
1908 Marriage between E Loveless & Mrs MM Blount

Who was Mrs. M. M. Blount? 
She was married previously. Looking at the 1910 census with Ebbie and his wife, more clues are given as to her identity and these will be helpful in finding records previous to her marriage to Ebbie. Here is the household of Ebby:

Loveless, Ebby, head, m, w, 59, married 2nd, 1 yr, b. GA, parents SC, farmer, general farm
               Melissa, wife, f, w, 42, 22, 1, Missouri, MO/KY
               Wm H, son, m, w, 16, sing, Arkansas, GA/GA, laborer, home farm, school
               Lela, dau, f, w, 14, sing, Arkansas, GA/GA, laborer, home farm, school
Blount, Mary, step dau, f, w, 16, sing, Texas, AL/MO, laborer, home farm, school
            Vernon, step dau, f, w, 14, sing, Texas, AL/MO, laborer, home farm, school
Settle, Aunie Mrs, mother-in-law, f, w, 73, wd, Kentucky, OH/VA

This household had two of Ebby’s children from his first marriage with Eliza: William H and Lela; two of Melissa’s children from her first marriage: Mary and Vernon Blount; and Melissa’s mother, Annie Settle. Melissa’s maiden could have been “Settle” unless her mother had remarried.

Checking marriage records in Erath County brought up a marriage between M.P. Blount and Miss MM Settle on 21 Jan 1886.[5] Melissa M. Settle was her maiden name.

Ebbie and Melissa moved to Rotan, Fisher County, Texas and Ebbie died there in 1929.[6] Malissa lived until 1950, when she died at age 83.[7]

[1] Chattooga County, Georgia, Marriages, Bk 1a, 1861-1880, p 156, Ebby Loveless & E.A. Rodgers, 1871, digital images, Georgia's Virtual Vault (, citing Georgia State Archives.
[2] Desmond Walls Allen, Pence Funeral Home Conway, Arkansas 1904-1926 Vol II (Rapid Rabbit Copy Co, Conway, AR), p 51, Eliza Loveless.
[3] “Erath County Marriage Licenses,” The Dublin Progress, 11 Sep 1908, E. Loveless-Mrs MM Blount, digital image, The Portal to Texas History ( : 26 Nov 2016).
[4] Texas, Erath County, Marriages, Book L, p 42, 1908, E. Loveless to Mrs. MM Blount; FHL 1,026,028.
[5] Texas, Erath County, Marriages, Book D, p 79, 1886, MP Blount to Miss MM Settle, digital image, FamilySearch ( : 1 Dec 2016); citing FHL film 1026025.
[6] Texas Department of Health Bureau of Vital Statistics, death certificate no. 2972 (1929), E. Loveless, digital image, FamilySearch ( : accessed 14 Jul 2008).
[7] Texas Department of Health Bureau of Vital Statistics, death certificate no. 8502 (1950), Malissa Million Loveless, digital image, FamilySearch ( : accessed 1 Dec 2016).

Copyright © 2016 by Lisa Suzanne Gorrell, Mam-ma's Southern Family


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