Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - The Date Your Grandmother Was Born

Randy Seaver of Genea-Musing blog, has challenged us again. For this week's mission, we were challenged to:
  • What day of the week was your Grandmother born (either one)? Tell us how you found out.
  • What event was a headline in the newspapers on that date?  Tell us how you found out.
  • What has happened in recorded history on your Grandmother's birth date (day and month)? Tell us how you found out, and list five events.
  • What famous people have been born on your Grandmother's birth date?  Tell us how you found out, and list five of them.

My maternal grandmother, the namesake of this blog, Pansy Louise Lancaster, was born 19 November 1913. According to the website, What Day of the Week, November 13 was a Wednesday.

I went to Chronicling America website for newspapers published on that day. Headlines in the Washington Herald included 
  • “Garranza Makes Demand of Hale for Credentials,” and 
  • “Barnes Says Teddy Would Be President.”  
Because she was born in Texas, I looked at a newspaper from Texas, the El Paso Herald, had these headlines:
  • “Four Regiments to be Held at Ft. Bliss: More Troops Ordered to the Border,” and 
  • “Pinchot Leads Water Power Fight.”

For historical events on November 19, I checked Wikipedia.

Famous people born on her birthday include (from the same Wikipedia  article):

Copyright © 2015 by Lisa Suzanne Gorrell, Mam-ma's Southern Family


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