Road Trip to Arkansas

I'm planning a road trip to Arkansas, specifically Faulkner County and Little Rock, to do some genealogy research on my grandmother's Loveless line. Places I plan to visit:

Ouachita Baptist University, Special Collections, in the Riley-Hickingbotham Library. Here I hope to learn more about my great-great-grandfather, Ebenezer Loveless, who was a Baptist minister. They're open 8 to 5 and an archivist will be there to help me.

University of Central Arkansas where the Faulkner County Historical Society has their holdings. Not only did the Loveless family move to Arkansas from Georgia, but so did the Rodgers and Nixon families.

Hendrix College has a genealogy library and the Faulkner County Library has a genealogy section.

The Faulkner County Museum will also be a great place to stop to learn about local history. This museum is open Monday through Thursday from 9 to 4. I contacted the director of the museum and she plans to be there the day I arrive to help me.

I will also visit several cemeteries in central Faulkner County to take photos of many tombstones. Even though most are on Find-a-Grave, I want to have my own for use in publishing on the blog or in a book.

In Little Rock, I plan to visit the state archives at the Arkansas History Commission where I have a nice list of things to check out:
  • Loose probate papers for Jesse Loveless
  • Confederate pension papers for William A Loveless & Thomas J. Loveless
  • Leonardo Andrea collection which has genealogical papers, possibly for the Loveless family
  • Newspapers
I am looking forward to the side trips to Hot Springs, the Ozarks, and a visit of my husband's cousins. It's going to be a great trip. Wish me luck with my research!
Copyright © 2015 by Lisa Suzanne Gorrell, Mam-ma's Southern Family


  1. Lisa, I'm on the board for Oak Grove Cemetery and just answered your email. Would be happy to meet you out there and help locate your relatives' headstones.


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