Fearless Females - Day 16

This is a blogging theme for the month of March which is Women's History Month. I'm a bit behind but do want to participate in the daily blogging posts. These 31 posts will be posted between my two blogs "My Trails Into the Past" and "Mam-ma's Southern Family."

March 16 — If you could have lunch with any female family member (living or dead) or any famous female who would it be and why? Where would you go? What would you eat?

My 2nd great grandmother was Martha J Coor.  I would love to have lunch with her and eat some good southern food.  I'd want to eat right in her kitchen so I can watch her fix the meal.

At the meal I'd ask about the possible Native American ancestry we might have.  She seems like the most likely candidate but all records I find about her family do not point to any Native American ancestry.  So why does my grandmother think that her grandmother was half Indian?

A puzzle we may never solve......

Copyright © 2011 by Lisa Suzanne Gorrell, Mam-ma's Southern Family


  1. I am curious. Have you had a DNA test since you wrote this to check for Native American ancestry? I think eating in her kitchen is the best idea ever. Great post!

    1. Yes, I have done DNA testing on my grandmother and no Native American DNA came up. I'll keep digging.


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