Filling Out the Life of Victoria S. Hutson Williams

I was surprised that I hadn’t done any research for the sister of my maternal 2x-great-grandfather, Peter H. Hutson. My goal this year is to write more about the southern families of my mother. For this post, I will work with records beginning with her death certificate and work backward, posing questions as I research. These questions will be colored in red, making it easier for them to stand out in the text.

Victoria lived most of her life in Hunt County, Texas. Hunt County is located in the northeast portion of Texas, just below Fannin County, which borders Oklahoma. The community where they lived, Wolfe City, is located in the northeastern portion of the county near the Fannin border. To the east are Delta and Hopkins Counties.

Death Certificate in Hunt County, Texas
According to her death certificate, Mrs. Victoria Williams was born on 7 January 1863 in Georgia. The informant for the personal information was Della Varden, who lived in Wolfe City. She named Victoria’s father Bob Huston and her mother Amanda Davis. Victoria died on 3 January 1942 in Wolfe City, Hunt County, Texas, of coronary thrombosis. She was just short of 79 years.[1]  She was buried the next day at Mount Carmel Cemetery in Wolfe City, Hunt County, Texas.  The tombstone states she died on 2 January.[2]

Clues from this death certificate for further research:
She lived at that location 75 years, which would be about 1867. She was nearly 79 years old, which would make her move there when she was about 3 or 4, likely with her parents. Locating all the census records back to 1870 is in order.
She was a widow. Her husband’s name is Williams. Need to locate the marriage record. Do no have enough information yet to do that.
Her father was listed as Bob Huston. My understanding of the name is Hutson, so this could be a typo with the S and T transposed, or the informant was misinformed.
Her mother was listed as Amanda Davis.
The informant was Della Varden. Who was she? How did she know this information? 

1940 Census in Hunt County, Texas
Working backward, Victoria lived in Wolf City in 1940 with her eleven-year-old grandson, Youn R. Williams. She was a renter.[3]  Who were Youn’s parents? Why was he living with Victoria?

1930 Census in Hunt County, Texas
In 1930, she lived with her son, Paul Williams, 29, his wife, Emily, 27, and son, Yunrhea, who was one year old. Victoria was a widow and had married at age nineteen Paul was an electrician. Paul said he married at age 27, so about 2 years previously.[4]  I am not sure about that son’s name, but likely the same boy who was with her in 1940. Did Paul and Emily die? Why would the grandson be living with her? Need to search the 1940 census for Paul to be sure. Also, need to search for the marriage of Paul to Emily.

1920 Census in Hunt County, Texas
In 1920, Victoria and her son, Paul lived in Wolfe City Town on Mill Street. She owned the property. Nineteen-year-old, Paul, was a farm laborer. The next household was Claude and Della May Vaden and their son, Lester.[5]  Living next door to Victoria, Della might know some information about her. Is Della May Vaden Victoria’s daughter? When did she marry Claude Vaden? 

1910 Census in Hunt County, Texas
Victoria was found in 1910 with her husband, John Williams, and two children, Lease, age 15, and Hale, age 9. John owned his farm. John and Victoria had been married 28 years and she bore seven children, with four living. Claude and Della Vaden lived next door with their son, Lester, who was six. Della and Claude had been married for seven years.[6]  Is the boy Hale the same boy as Paul? Both are the same age. When did John and Victoria marry? It was 27 years ago, so about 1883. Was it in Hunt Co? When did Claude and Della marry? It was 7 years ago, so about 1903. This was likely in Hunt Co. When did John die? He was dead before 1920, likely in Hunt County.

Death Info for John Williams
No record for John Williams was found in death records databases.[7] However, a probate packet was located. At the November 1918 term of the County Court in Hunt County, Mrs. V.S. Williams reported to the court that John B. Williams died on or about 14 September 1918 at Wolfe City, in Hunt County.[8]  

He left everything to his wife, who was the executrix. His property in Wolfe City was in lot 9 lot 10 in Block 4 of the College Park Addition valued at $1200, a lot in Wolfe City purchased in June 1918 valued at $1500, and a lot in Wolfe City also purchased in June 1918 valued at $1500. He also had over $1800 in the bank, a horse, buggy, and 3 hogs.[9] 

He also named his children who would receive in equal shares the estate on the death of his wife: Della Vaden, Hiram Williams, Lecy Wilson, and Paul Williams. He had given land previously to his daughter, Beulah Webb, her interest in the estate of her deceased mother and himself.[10]

These are the four living children of the seven that Victoria bore. Beulah Webb is a daughter from John’s first marriage. To do items would be: Locate the marriage records of the children of John and Victoria Williams. 

John and Victoria’s gravestone is viewable at Find a Grave. The transcription reads: J.B. Williams, Jan. 26, 1850, Sept 16, 1918. His wife Vickie Jan. 7, 1863, Jan 2, 1942. At the bottom: WILLIAMS. There is a Masonic emblem on the marker. This is in Mount Carmel Cemetery in Wolfe City, Texas.[11]  There are several other members of the family—parents, siblings, and children—linked on his page to view later as the family is fleshed out with other original documents.

1900 Census in Hunt County, Texas
Victoria and John B. Williams lived on a farm in Hunt County. They had been married for 17 years. She bore six children with three living. John was born in January 1850 in Texas to Ohio- & Tennessee-born parents. Victoria was born in January 1863 in Texas to Georgia-born parents. The three children in the household were:
  • Della M, born January 1885, 15, Texas
  • Hiram, born July 1890, 9, Texas
  • Lease, born Aug 1894, 5, Texas [12]

Victoria’s birth of January 1863 agrees with the death certificate. Paul is not listed as he was born after 1900. Who were the three children who have not survived? Cemetery and newspaper records should be searched. When did Victoria and John marry? About 17 years prior. 

1880 Census in Hunt County, Texas
There is no 1890 census and the 1880 census is before Victoria’s marriage to John Williams. Victoria lived with the William B. & Mary J. Warren family as a housekeeper in 1880. She was seventeen and other people also lived with the family.[13]

1870 Census in Texas or Georgia
Victoria cannot be found in the 1870 census.[14]  This would be the first census she would be in her parents’ household. Since she was not in their household, I cannot place her with her parents Bob/Robert Hutson/Hudson and Amanda Davis, as stated on her death certificate.

Land Records in Hunt County, Texas
John B. Williams and V.S. Williams made several land transactions in Hunt County. When they sold land, Victoria signed her named with an X once and the other deeds showed a signature, though only the clerk’s copy. So, I am not sure if she could read and write. Back to the census records to check. Only the 1880 census marked she couldn’t read or write. No marks in 1900 and the rest said she could. 

Marriage of J.B. Williams to Victoria Hutson
On 3 October 1881, J.B. Williams and Miss V.S. Hutson obtained a license to marry from the Hunt County clerk. Then on 8 November 1881, they were married by J.J. Knowles, a minister of the gospel.[15]  The marriage record gives so little information except for their names. 

Victoria Savannah Hutson was born on 7 January 1863 in Georgia. She moved to Texas about 1867. She married John B. William on 3 October 1881 in Hunt County, Texas. She lived the rest of her life in Hunt County and died in Wolfe City on 3 January 1942. They had seven children with four surviving to adulthood. They were:
  • Della M, born January 1885, Texas
  • Hiram, born July 1890, Texas
  • Lease, born Aug 1894, Texas
  • Paul, born about 1901, Texas
She lived as a widow twenty-four years after John B. died in 1918.

  1. "Texas Deaths, 1890-1976," digital image, FamilySearch ( ), 1942, Hunt Co, no. 3206, Mrs. Victoria Williams; citing Texas Department of Health Bureau of Vital Statistics.
  2.   Find a Grave (, memorial 13220083, Victoria Savanah Williams, Mount Carmel Cemetery, Wolfe City, Hunt Co, Texas, photo provided by Robert Bennett.
  3.   1940 U.S. census, Hunt Co, Texas, Wolf City Town, ED 116-25, sht 12b, household 289, Victoria Williams.
  4.   1930 U.S. census, Hunt Co, Texas, Wolf City Town, ED 116-25, p. 34 (stamped), dwelling 169, Paul B Williams.
  5.   1920 U.S. census, Hunt Co, Texas, Wolfe City Town, ED 139, p. 91 (stamped), dwelling 106, Victoria Williams.
  6.   1910 U.S. census, Hunt Co, Texas, Justice Prec 5, sht 6b, dwelling 117, John Williams.
  7.   Searched “Texas, Deaths, 1890-1977,” FamilySearch (, using “John Williams and J. Williams” and death date 1910-1920. 
  8.   Hunt Co, Texas, probate, estate file W2069, John B. Williams, 1918, FamilySearch (; IGN 005782968, images 1530-1544 of 1942.
  9.   Inventory, John B. Williams estate, Dec 1918, Hunt Co, Texas, probate, estate file W2069, John B. Williams, 1918, FamilySearch (; IGN 005782968, image 1537 of 1942.
  10.   Will of John B. Williams, 17 July 1918, proved 20 Nov 1918, Hunt Co, Texas, probate, estate file W2069, John B. Williams, 1918, FamilySearch (; IGN 005782968, image 1543-44 of 1942.
  11.   Find A Grave (, memorial 8930503, John Burnett Williams, 1918, Mount Carmel Cemetery, Wolfe City, Hunt Co, Texas.
  12.   1900 U.S. census, Hunt Co, Texas, ED 133, Just. Prec. 5, p. 76 (stamped), household 354, John B. Williams.
  13.   1880 U.S. census, Hunt Co, Texas, ED 66, Prec 4, p. 22b, dwelling 191, William B Warren household. She was listed as Savanna Hudson, keeping house.
  14.   Searched using “Victoria Savannah Hu*on” in the 1870 census, birth about 1863 in Georgia, living in Texas. Also tried Robert as her father, and tried Amanda as her mother.
  15.   Hunt Co, Texas, marriage, v. D, p. 79, J.B. Williams to Miss V.S. Hutson, 1881, FamilySearch (; IGN 004820339, image 308 of 749.
#52Ancestors-Week 6: Surprise
This is my eighth year working on this year-long prompt, hosted by Amy Johnson Crow ( at Generations Cafe. I write each week in one of my two blogs, either Mam-ma’s Southern Family ( or My Trails into the Past ( I have enjoyed writing about my children’s ancestors in new and exciting ways.

Copyright © 2011-2025 by Lisa S. Gorrell, Mam-ma's Southern Family, All rights reserved.


  1. Wow!!! What an awesome job with your research and very well written.

  2. This is a great example of working through all the documetation and wringing out every clue for follow up. Nice!


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