Was He Teensy, Looch, or Both? Nicknames for Wayne Lancaster

Pansy’s youngest brother was born Elda Wayne Lancaster in 1927. By the time he was born, she was fourteen years old and got much practice taking care of him, as her mother was ill. Her mother had developed Parkinson's disease. 

Wayne played football and basketball and ran track for Stephenville High School and Tarleton College. Yearbook photos and newspaper articles help answer this question.

In the 1944 yearbook when he was a junior, Wayne signed someone's book as Looch on the page where he was listed as a Junior favorite.
He was Junior class president and signed the book as Looch.

On the juniors page, he signed his photo, "Lots of Love, Teensy."
On the football team photo, he was Teensy.

On another football photo, he's Looch.

On the track team photo, he's Looch.

In the 1945 edition, all the football players had nicknames listed in the text next to their photos. Wayne was Looch and captain of the team, as well as the quarterback.

However, his senior class writeup next to his photo said he was "Teensy."

Growing up, I heard my grandmother refer to her brother as Teensy, so that name was likely a family nickname and Looch a school nickname, especially among the football players. Anyone who grew up with him might have also known him as Teensy.

#52Ancestors-Week 3: Nickname

This is my eighth year working on this year-long prompt, hosted by Amy Johnson Crow (https://www.amyjohnsoncrow.com/) at Generations Cafe.

I write each week in one of my two blogs, either Mam-ma’s Southern Family or My Trails into the Past. I have enjoyed writing about my children’s ancestors in new and exciting ways.

Copyright © 2025 by Lisa S. Gorrell, Mam-ma's Southern Family, All rights reserved.


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