SNGF -- Share Something You Learned From a Will That You Wouldn't Have Otherwise Known

Calling All Genea-Musings Fans
It's Saturday Night Again - 
Time For Some More Genealogy Fun!!

Our assignment from Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings tonight is to:

1)   Today's challenge is to "Share something you learned from a probate file or will that you wouldn't have otherwise known about."

[thank you to Linda Stufflebean for suggesting this topic!] 

Here’s mine:
I have a will written by Bryan Kethley of Copiah County, Mississippi on 5 June 1890. Bryan Kethley is the son of John Kethley and Elizabeth Whitfield, and the husband of Sarah Jane Butler, the daughter of Luke Butler and Patience Coor. He is my 4x-great-granduncle, the brother of my 4x-great-grandmother, Ann Kethley, who married John Coor. John and Patience were siblings.

I think I need to draw a diagram of that!

Synopsis of Will
Bryan’s will stated he wanted his estate after all debts and funeral expenses paid, divided in six equal parts. He wanted his three living sons and their heirs to each get a share. He then named how the three remaining shares are to be distributed:
--the children and heirs of my son John Kethley shall receive a share
--the children & heirs of my daughter Cornelia Barron
--the children and grandchildren of my daughter Laura Mathis  
His son, William M. Kethley was to be executor. He was to have exclusive control of the estate share due to the children of daughter Laura Mathis. 
The probated will was recorded on 12 September 1892.

What I Know
The eight children I have for Bryan and Sarah Jane are: 
--Cornelia married Samuel P Barron on 7 January 1851 in Copiah County, Mississippi. I have no death date for her or any dates for Samuel, nor do I have any children. I must not have followed through on this family. I learned that she likely died before 1890.
--James, born about 1835. I have no death date and no spouse for him. He was 15 years old in 1850 in his parents' household, but I know nothing else about him.
--John married Martha Olivia Mathias on 23 December 1858 in Warren County, Mississippi. They had at least two children. He died on 31 May 1862.
--William M. married Columbia J. Conn on 17 August 1865 in Copiah County. He died on 19 February 1894.
--Laura M. married John W. Mathis on 25 January 1857 in Copiah County. They had six children. She died on 20 July 1885 in Copiah County.
--Gabriella married James Hankersley on 22 February 1862 in Copiah County. Her death is not known, nor whether they had children.
--Bryant M. married Lula E. Barber on 21 February 1870 in Copiah County. They had at least 5 children. He died in 1930.
--Luke W. died in 1917. I have no marriage for him, but I don’t appear to have done much searching on him, as I have no census after 1870.

Bryan provided for six children or their heirs. He named four of them: John, Cornelia, Laura, and William. The two missing must be sons Bryant M and Luke W, as I know they were living in 1890. Between census records and this will, I can narrow down who received an inheritance and who had previously died. I need to do that research to verify my hypothesis.

Citation of Will:
Copiah County, Mississippi, Wills, v. A, p. 80-81, will of Bryan Kethley, 1890, filed 1892, imaged, FamilySearch (, IGN 005827012, image 630 of 944; Chancery Clerk, Hazlehurst, Mississippi.

I, Bryan Kethley, make this as my last will and testament.
First I will that all my estate real and personal after paying all my just debts and funeral expenses shall be divided in six equal shares, and each of my three sons now living or their heirs shall receive one each of said shares and the children and heirs of my son John Kethley shall receive one of said shares and the children & heirs of my daughter Cornelia Barron to receive one of said shares and the children and grandchildren of my daughter Laura Mathis shall receive the remaining one of said shares.
Second. I will that my son William M Kethley shall be executor of this Will & that he be required to give no bond as such Executor.
Third. I will that the manner of winding up and distributing my estate shall be left to the discretion of my said Executor. That he may make division in kind of my property or sell any or all of it without order of court as he may deem necessary for the interest of the legatees.
Third. (sic). I will that my said Executor shall have complete and exclusive control of the share of my estate given to the children of my daughter Laura Mathis and may pay out any part of the same for their benefit during their or any of their ?? as he may deem proper for their benefit and what shall be due any of them at their arriving age he shall pay over to them.
Signed and published this 5th day of June AD 1890.  Bryan Kethley
Signed in our presence by Bryan Kethley and witnessed and signed by us as witness in the presence of said Bryan Kethley, and in the presence of each other. This June 5th 1890
J.F. Sexton
H.D. Tillman, Witnesses
Filed, Probated & recorded Sept 12, 1892, JQ Martin Clerk.

Image of the will

Copyright © 2024 by Lisa S. Gorrell, Mam-ma's Southern Family, All rights reserved.


  1. It certainly looks as though the other three siblings had died by the time Bryan wrote his will, and that none of them had any living children. Good luck with the research!

    1. I found the heirs of Cornelia. The sons were living with their grandparents in 1870. Samuel Barron may have remarried.


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