Mam-ma and Tom-Tom Gone Fishing!

I have fond memories of eating catfish my grandfather caught, likely at Clear Lake where they had a cabin in the town of Nice. Mam-ma always prepared the fish by rolling them in cornmeal and egg and frying them. Oh, so delicious!

Now, I have never been fishing, so I don’t know much about how to catch catfish, what bait to use, or where the best place to find them at Clear Lake. I never asked my grandfather about how he fished. He may have fished from a boat.

However, I found a website that gives tips on fishing at Clear Lake.[1] Besides catfish, largemouth and smallmouth bass, white and black crappie, bluegill and sunfish, and perch can be found in the lake. I learned that catfish prefer warmer coves but are also found near marinas. Live bait, cut bait, or dough bait can be used and some of the best baits are chicken livers, hotdogs, anchovies, mackerel or sardines, and even night crawlers.

In this photo, we can see he had a successful day of fishing. This is taken at their home, so I’m not sure if he fished at the lake or somewhere else. I wonder who had the chore of cleaning them.

#52Ancestors: Week 7: Outcast (A little stretching of the theme: casting for fish)

This is my sixth year working on this year-long prompt, hosted by Amy Johnson Crow ( at Generations Cafe. I write each week in one of my two blogs, either Mam-ma’s Southern Family or My Trails into the Past. I have enjoyed writing about my children’s ancestors in new and exciting ways.

[1] “Clear Lake Fishing Report 2023 [Tips, Spots, Pictures, and Everything You Need to Know], Fishing Blueprint ( : accessed 12 Feb 2023).

Copyright © 2023 by Lisa S. Gorrell, Mam-ma's Southern Family, All rights reserved.


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