52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks, Week 3: Longevity

What did my grandmother, Pansy Louise (Lancaster) Johnston have in common with her uncle, William Hutson “Hutts” Loveless?

Living long lives.

Hutts lived 104 years.[1] Pansy lived to just one month short of 100 years.[2]

A party was hosted by Hutts’ daughter, Dorothy on his 100th birthday in Seminole, Texas.[3] Shortly before his death, the Seminole Sentinel had another article about Hutts. From the interview, we learned he drove until a year before, read the bible daily, loved writing poems and songs, and eating pizza and Mexican food.[4]

My Mam-ma, Pansy, tried really hard to live to 100. We were planning a 100th Birthday Party and [5] even had a congratulatory letter from the President. But just a month and a half short of her birthday, her kidneys started failing and she went on hospice, passing away a couple of weeks later.

At the home where she lived, Pansy enjoyed playing bingo, handing out candy to fellow residents and staff, and embroidering designs on T-shirts, visits from her grandchildren. In her 60s and 70s, she had enjoyed playing tennis, playing cards with friends, and traveling. She bowled well into her 90s.

I will be pleased if I live as long!

[1] “Hutts Loveless,” Lubbock Online, http://www.lubbockonline.com/stories/052598/044-0994.shtml, 25 May 1998.  
[2] California Department of Health Services, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Standard Certificate of Death, 001026075, Pansy Louise Johnston, Contra Costa Co, 2013.
[3] “W.H. Loveless Celebrates His 100th Birthday,” Seminole (Texas) Sentinel, 6 Mar 1994.
[4] “Still Running,” Seminole (Texas) Sentinel
[5] Pansy Louise "Joni" Johnston, Contra Costa Times, Walnut Creek, California, 15 October 2013.

Copyright © 2018 by Lisa Suzanne Gorrell, Mam-ma's Southern Family


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hello - I've read several of your posts and my daddy (Grady Crossland, son of Lynn Crossland & Dorothy Nell Loveless Crossland Lamm) found them very interesting. William Hutson Loveless, aka WH, Hutts, Hutsie (great Grandkids called him Grandpa Hutsie) & Josephine Hazel Lancaster Loveless, aka Jo (great Grandkids called her Nannie Jo) - we all loved them very much.
    Shelly Crossland Lister

    1. Thank you very much for visiting my blog. My grandmother, Pansy, was Dorothy's double cousin and she spoke lovingly of her. I am happy to hear what you all called Uncle Huts and Aunt Jo. Would love to hear more!

  3. Hi Lisa - I believe you were interested in a photo of my Nanny Jo. This is on Ancestry & I believe it is her wedding photo (I will search for more photos). She was always such an elegant, proper and beautiful lady. Such a lovely soul - everyone loved Nanny Jo. Check out this photo I found on the Ancestry mobile app


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