Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Three Stories for Father's Day

Randy Seaver from Genea-Musing has again asked us to write about our father or grandfather for Father’s Day:

Your mission, should you decide to accept it (cue the Mission Impossible! music) is to:

1)  Sunday, 18 June, is Father's Day.  Let's celebrate by writing a blog post about our father, or another significant male ancestor (e.g., a grandfather).

2)  What are three things about your father (or significant male ancestor) that you vividly remember about him?

3)  Tell us all about it in your own blog post, in a comment to this post, or in a Facebook Status or Google+ Stream post.

Last year I wrote about my father, William J. Hork here. This year I’ve decided to write about my maternal grandfather, Tom J. Johnston.

My grandfather liked his automobiles and both my grandfather and grandmother liked having their photos taken with their cars. We have lots of photos taken with them posing in front of an automobile.

There were always dogs in my grandparent’s home. My grandfather enjoyed having small dogs that would jump up into his lap. With one dog, Pierre, he taught to do tricks like dance on his hind legs and “sing” where it sounded like he was saying “I love Mama.” Their dogs were very spoiled and would get to lick the ice cream dishes each evening.

With Goober
My grandparents with Thunder


My grandfather was a carpenter and loved making furniture. My grandparent’s home was full of items he had made in his woodshop. Picture frames, tables, cabinets, and lamps were among some of the furniture he made. My mother had a magazine rack and a bench which housed an ironing board. 

Here is the magazine rack

He made the lamp, side table and coffee table

Copyright © 2017 by Lisa Suzanne Gorrell, Mam-ma's Southern Family


  1. The car pictures are very cool. And both our grandfathers were talented working with wood.


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