Sorting out the husbands of Faye E. Loveless

It all started with scanning photographs and papers from the files of my grandmother, Pansy L. Johnston, who died in 2013. I’m trying to clean up the office and put away some of the records I have stored in boxes.

Three photos were taken on 5 March 1994, I think in honor of William Hutson “Hutts” Loveless’ birthday, which was on March 1. He would have been 100 years old. I don’t know who sent the photos to my grandmother, but likely it was Dorothy Lamm, her double cousin. Dorothy was Hutts’ daughter. Her mother, Josephine Hazel Lancaster was the sister of my grandmother’s father. And Hutts was the brother of my grandmother’s mother. That made Dorothy and Pansy double cousins.

Faye Moon (sitting) with Dorothy Lamm (standing)
Another person in the photos was Faye Moon. She was another cousin, the daughter of Hutt’s brother, James Arthur Loveless.  My question: “Who was Faye Loveless Moon and what happened to her?”

I have spent the past 12 hours researching Faye, her sister, LaVerne, and brother, Bishop Glenn “B.G.” Loveless. I had their birthdates but nothing about marriages or deaths. Seeing as they were all born before 1920, I figured they were probably deceased by now. This is a write up of what I know now and I’ll make notes within of future research needed.

What I know
Let’s start with their parents. James Arthur Loveless was born 1 March 1879 in Faulkner County, Arkansas to Ebenezer Loveless and Eliza A. Rodgers.[1] Sometime in 1900 or 1901, he moved to Erath County, Texas, where he married Lula Kate Ferguson on 18 August 1901.[2] They had five known children:
  • Dewell Ebby, born 1 Jul 1902
  • Loyce, b. 1905[3]
  • Faye, b. 15 Mar 1908
  • LaVerne Louise, b. 26 Feb 1912
  • Bishop Glenn “B.G.”, b. 26 Oct 1914

James Arthur worked as a farmer until his death, 10 Dec 1933, of a ruptured appendix.[4] His wife also had a chicken farm, probably raising eggs and chickens.[5] She died of influenza a year before James on 31 Jan 1932.[6]

In October 1995, I made a trip to Stephenville, Texas with my grandmother. I wanted to see where she and my mother had lived. We stayed with her brother, R.D. Lancaster, and toured around town one day and visited some family on the other. One of the people I met was Faye Moon and her daughter, Susan. At the time of meeting her, I didn’t quite know how she fitted into the family. She told me that she was the daughter of Arthur Loveless (James Arthur). She also told me that I looked just like Josephine Lancaster, William Hutson (Hutts)’ wife.  She told me her brothers and sister’s names, and their spouses. It’s funny that she never talked about her own spouses.

Faye Moon died 18 Mar 1999. Her obituary from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, listed her survivors as:
  • Daughter and son-in-law, Lou Ann and Duane Gilly
  • Daughter, Mary “Sue” Greenway
  • Brother, B.G. Loveless
  • Sister, LaVerne Holsomback
  • Four great-grandchildren and six great-great-grandchildren.[7]

Faye’s name on the obituary was “Faye Greenway Moon.”  The two names Greenway and Moon are clues to possible past husbands. A daughter had one of the same names.

A marriage was found between Boyd Greenway and Fay Loveless on 2 Feb 1933 in Erath County, Texas.[8] They were married by C.L. Savage, the same minister who married her sister, LaVerne Loveless to James Thomas Punches on 24 Aug 1935.[9]

So what about the marriage to Emmet Moon? My grandmother told me he was married to Faye Loveless. He’d been a pall bearer at Martha Jane (Coor) Lancaster’s funeral in 1942.[10] Martha Jane was the mother-in-law to Lela Ann (Loveless) Lancaster, sister to Arthur and Hutts Loveless. However, the only marriage I found was a marriage between Emmett Moon and Elza F. Loveless, which occurred on 26 Mar 1970 in Somervell County, Texas.[11] This was a late marriage. Had he been married before? He died 31 Jan 1980, and the Find-a-Grave memorial shows his tombstone shared with Stella W. Moon, who died in 1968.[12]  With his wife’s death in 1968, it is possible this is the correct marriage between Faye and Emmett in 1970. Now the name of the bride in the marriage was Elza F. Loveless.

The only reference to an E for a middle name was with the 1920 census, where Faye E. was listed as an eleven-year-old daughter of James A & Lula K Lovelace.[13] The names could be reversed. There can also be a reason that Faye was using her maiden name again. Had there been a divorce from Greenway?

A check of the Find-a-Grave website, Boyd Greenway memorial was found. He was born 2 Feb 1908 and died 18 Jul 1963.[14] His spouse was listed as Faye Greenway, who was born 15 March 1908 and died 18 March 1999.[15] Their two grave markers have the same style. In the Texas Death Index, Elza Faye Moon was listed as dying on 18 March 1999 in Taylor Co, Texas. The obituary gave her death location as Alzheimer's care center in Abilene, which is located in Taylor County.[16]

There are lots of conflicts but it’s time to figure out what I really have.
  • Her birth certificate listed her name as Faye Loveless with no middle name.[17] However, this is a delayed birth record, created in 1960.  
  • The birth of her daughter, Mary Sue Greenway on 19 Feb 1944, listed the mother as Faye Elsie Loveless.[18]
  • She was listed as Fay Loveless on the 1910 census and Fay Lovelace on the 1930 census, in the household of her parents and as Faye E Lovelace in the 1920 census.[19]
  • She was Fay Loveless in her marriage to Boyd Greenway.
  • She was Faye Greenway with her husband, Boyd S. Greenway in the 1940 census.[20]
  • Boyd Greenway died 18 July 1963 and was buried in West End Cemetery in Stephenville, Texas. His wife was Mrs. Faye Greenway.[21]
  • Elza F. Loveless married Emmett R. Moon in Somervell County on 26 March 1970.[22] [Need to order marriage record]
  • Emmett R. Moon died 31 Jan 1980 in Stephenville. His wife was listed as Faye Loveless Moon.[23] [Need to find his obituary]
  • Faye Moon died 18 Mar 1999. Her obituary stated her name as “Faye Greenway Moon.” The cemetery record listed her name as “Faye Greenway.” Her tombstone was designed identical to  Boyd Greenway’s and the birthdate looks more worn than the death date. It is possible that her stone was made at the time of Boyd’s death and after her burial, her death date carved in.  [Need to order her death cert].
  • Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Greenway of Duffau visited Mrs. Greenway’s brother, Mr. B.G. Loveless on August 25, 1940.[24] This news article clearly points that the Faye Loveless who married Boyd Greenway, was the sister of B.G. Loveless.

My current thinking without having a few records (obituaries and death certificates), is Faye E. Loveless married first, Boyd S. Greenway. They had two daughters. After his death, she married Emmett Moon. Emmett was buried with his first wife and Faye with her first husband.

[1] Texas Department of Health Bureau of Vital Statistics, death certificate, 54770, 1933, James Arthur Loveless,23 Mar 2011, digital image, FamilySearch ( :  14 Jul 2008). His parents were listed as E Loveless and Elza Rogers.
[2] Erath County, Texas, Marriages, Bk I, p. 201, JA Loveless to Lula Ferguson, 18 Aug 1901; citing FHL 1026024. He was listed in the household of his father, Ebenezer Loveless in East Fork Township, Faulkner County, Arkansas in the 1900 census.
[3] I need to work on Loyce, as I have no full birthdate. He last appeared with the family in the 1920 census, so he did not die in the influenza after WWI.
[4] Texas Department of Health Bureau of Vital Statistics, death certificate, 54770, 1933, James Arthur Loveless,23 Mar 2011, digital image, FamilySearch ( :  14 Jul 2008).
[5] 1930 U.S. census, Erath Co, Texas, pop sched, Just Prec 1, ED 72-6, sht 8a, p. 94 (stamped), `dwelling 157, family 161, James A. Lovelace, digital image, ( 23 Nov 2016). Lula had a chicken farm.
[6] Texas Department of Health Bureau of Vital Statistics, death certificate, 51657 (1932), Mrs. J. A. Loveless, digital image, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 Mar 2011).
[7] “Faye Greenway Moon,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 19 Mar 1999, typed transcript, ( : accessed 23 Nov 2016).
[8] "Texas, County Marriage Records, 1837-1977," digital Images of Marriage Records, Erath Co, p. 247, Greenway-Loveless, 1933, FamilySearch ( : 23 Nov 2016); FHL microfilm 1,428,412.
[9] "Texas, County Marriage Records, 1837-1977," digital Images of Marriage Records, Erath County, Bk R, p. 501, JT. Punches to Laverne Louise Loveless, 1935, FamilySearch ( : 23 Nov 2016); citing FHL film 1,428,412.
[10] "Mrs. Lancaster Dies at Home after Short Illness," Stephenville Tribune, 18 Sep 1942.
[11] "Texas Marriages, 1966-2010," database, FamilySearch ( : 23 Nov 2016), Emmett R Moon and Elza F Loveless, 26 Mar 1970; citing Somervell, Texas, United States, certificate number 035816, Vital Statistics Unit, Texas Department of State Health Services, Austin. There was no image, so this would need to be ordered.
[12] Find A Grave, database with images ( : 23 Nov 2016), memorial# 13207786, West End Cemetery, Stephenville TX, 1980, Emmett Robert Moon.
[13] 1920 U.S. census, Erath Co, Texas, pop. sched., Just Prec 1, ED 4, sht 3a, p 41 (stamped), dwelling 43, family 42, James A Lovelace, digital image, ( : 23 Nov 2016); citing National Archives and Records Administration, T625.
[14] Find A Grave, database with images ( : 23 Nov 2016), memorial# 13581578, West End Cemetery, Stephenville TX, 1963, Boyd Greenway.
[15] Find A Grave, database with images ( : 23 Nov 2016), memorial# 13581567, West End Cemetery, Stephenville TX, 1999, Faye Greenway.
[16] “Faye Greenway Moon,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 19 Mar 1999.
[17] "Texas Birth Certificates, 1903-1935," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 23 Nov 2016), Faye Loveless, 15 Mar 1908; citing Stephenville, Erath, Texas, United States, certificate 52559, Bureau of Vital Statistics, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2,373,111.
[18] "Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : 23 Nov 2016), Faye Elsie Loveless in entry for Mary Sue Greenway, 19 Feb 1944; from "Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997," database and images, Ancestry ( : 2005); citing Texas Department of State Health Services.
[19] 1910 U.S. census, Erath Co, Texas, pop. sched, Stephenville, ED 19, sht 1a, p 45 (stamped), dwelling 9, family 9, James A Loveless, digital image, ( Nov 2016). 1920 U.S. census, Erath Co, Texas, pop. sched., Just Prec 1, ED 4, sht 3a, p 41 (stamped), dwelling 43, family 42, James A Lovelace, digital image, ( : 23 Nov 2016). 1930 U.S. census, Erath Co, Texas, pop sched, Just Prec 1, ED 72-6, sht 8a, p. 94 (stamped), dwelling 157, family 161, James A. Lovelace, digital image, ( : 23 Nov 2016).
[20] 1940 U.S. census, Erath Co, Texas, population sched., Prec 5, enumeration district (ED) ED 72-15, sht 9b, dwelling 196, Boyd S. Greenway; digital images, ( : accessed 24 November 2016).
[21] Texas Department of Health Bureau of Vital Statistics, death certificate, 43632 (1963), Boyd S. Greenway, digital image, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 Nov 2016).
[22] "Texas Marriages, 1966-2010," database, FamilySearch( : 6 December 2014), Emmett R Moon and Elza F Loveless, 26 Mar 1970; citing Somervell, Texas, United States, certificate number 035816, Vital Statistics Unit, Texas Department of State Health Services, Austin.
[23] Texas Department of Health Bureau of Vital Statistics, death certificate, digital image, FamilySearch ( : ), Erath Co, no. 25782, Emmett Robert Moon, 1980.
[24] “Alexander,” The Dublin Progress, 30 Aug 1940, Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Greenway; digital image, The Portal to Texas History ( : 26 Nov 2016).

Copyright © 2016 by Lisa Suzanne Gorrell, Mam-ma's Southern Family


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