On This Day – 157 Anniversary of the Marriage of Terry Loveless and America Allen – 4 Jan 1855

Terry Loveless and America Allen were married 157 years ago today on 4 Jan 1855 in Cass County, Georgia which is now Bartow County.[1] Terry was the oldest son of Jesse Loveless and Elizabeth Nixon, born in South Carolina.  America was the daughter of James Allen and Temperance McGregor, born in Tennessee. Terry was my second great-granduncle.

Cass Co, Georgia marriage record for Terry Loveless & America Allen 4 Jan 1855
State of Georgia } To any ordained Minister of the Gospel, Judge of the
Cass County      } Superior Court, Justice of the Inferior Court, or Justice of
the Peace, You are hereby authorized to join Terry Loveless and
America Allen in lawful bonds of matrimony, agreeable
to the constitution and laws of this State. Given under my hand
and Seal of office, this 4th day of January, 1855
                                                         Thomas A. Word, Ordinary.
State of Georgia } I hereby certify that the marriage of the
Cass County      } persons named in the above License actu-
ally took place and was duly solemnized before me,
this 4 day of January 1855.
                                                  Rev. S. P. Rowland
Recorded 25th April, 1855.                            T. A. Word

Terry and America were found in the 1860 census with two children Williard, age 4 and Joseph, age 8/12.[2] America’s widow mother lived next door with 5 children. Both families were farmers, though Terry had no value in real estate.

Terry and America would have one more child, Delia, born in Dec 1862 before Terry died at Vicksburg, Mississippi in 1863 during the Civil War.[3] Here is an area for more research! I did find a muster roll for the 856th District G.M. in Bartow Co, Georgia, where Terry was listed as number 12.[4]  Also on the list were N.D. Allen, America’s brother, and D.W. Lowdermilk, who married Terry’s sister, Roxanna.

After Terry’s death, America lived with her mother, Temperance Allen until her marriage to the Reverend George H. Gilreath on 9 Jul 1890.[5] 

[1] "Georgia County Marriages 1785-1950," digital images & index, familysearch.org (http://familysearch.org : accessed 3 Jan 2014), film 283520, Bartow Co Marriages Bk E, 1853-1869, p 61, Loveless-Allen, 1855.
[2] Georgia, Cass, 1860 U.S. census, Ancestry.com, Digital images (http://www.ancestry.com: 3 Jan 2014), citing National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), 85th Dist, p 111, dwelling 780, family 780, Terry Loveless.
[3] Here I only know the information from other online trees. More research is needed!
[4] Georgia, Civil War Muster Rolls, 1860-1864,” database & digital images, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com: 3 Jan 2014), Terry Loveless; original data: Muster Rolls—Men Subject to Military Duty from 1860–1864. Morrow, Georgia: Georgia State Archives.
[5] "Uncle George’s Marriage,” The Courant American, Cartersville, Georgia, July 17, 1890, page 1, transcribed by Laurel Baty, Bartow County GenWeb,

Copyright © 2014 by Lisa Suzanne Gorrell, Mam-ma's Southern Family


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