On This Day – The Marriage of George Alonzo Loveless & Nancy MacPherson (30 December 1906)

George Alonzo “Lon” Loveless was my great-great uncle, an older brother of my great-grandmother, Lela Ann Loveless. He was born 11 January 1876 probably in Faulkner Co, Arkansas to Ebenezer Loveless and Eliza A. Rogers.[1]  He married first to Eliza Kirby on 20 January 1898 in Faulkner Co. They had three children. She passed away on 18 April 1906. Lon then married Nancy “Nannie” MacPherson on 30 Dec 1906 in Faulkner Co.[2] Lon and Nannie had 2 children.

Here is the image of the marriage record. The transcription follows. This marriage record has five parts: the bond, the affidavit, the license, the marriage certificate, and certificate of record. They were all on one page in the Faulkner County Marriage Book K, page 272.  I have divided up the page so the transcription follows the image.

Know all Men by These Presents:  That we ____G.L.Loveless________________________ as Principal,
and __________Lee Kirby_________ as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the State of Arkansas,
for the use and benefit of the Common School Fund of Faulkner County, in the penal sum of One Hundred Dollars, for the payment of which, well and truly
to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by the presents.
        Signed this __29__ day of __Dec__ 1906
    The CONDITION of the above obligation is such that, whereas, the above bounden  ____G.L.Loveless   
Has this day applied to the Clerk of the County Court of Faulkner County for a license authorizing the solemnization of the Rite of Matrimony between the
said _____G.L. Loveless     and ____Miss Nannie McPherson_____  
   Now, if the saidparties applying for said license have a lawful right to the same, and if theyshall faithfully carry into effect and comply with the
provisions thereof, and shall within sixty days from the date hereof return said license to the office of the Clerk of the County Court of said County, duly
executed and officially signed by someone authorized bylaw to solemnize the Rite of Matrimony, then this obligation shall be void; but otherwise to remain
in full force and virtue. Witness our signatures of the day above written.
                                                [signed] G.L. Loveless, Principal
                                               [signed] J. L. Kirby, Surety

THE STATE OF ARKANSAS, }                       
                                                             In the office of the Clerk of the County Court of said County
__________________G.L. Loveless             of the County of Faulkner, and State of Arkansas, being
duly sworn, deposes and says that ....he is the identical person who has this day applied to me for License of Marriage......
and that ____he___has arrived at the age of ___29     years, and
______Miss Nannie McPherson________ has arrived at the age of ___18____ years, that
they, the parties for whom said application is made, are now single and unmarried and may lawfully contract and be joined in marriage.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this __29___ day of      Dec   A.D. 1906
[signed] J.H. Harhe   County Clerk.       signed G.L. Loveless

To any PersonAuthorized by Law to Solemnize Marriage--Greeting
You are hereby Commanded to Solemnize the Rite and Publish the Banns of Matrimony
between   Mr. G.L. Loveless      of    Linder  in the County of Faulkner, and State of
Arkansas, aged 29 years, and Miss Nannie McPherson of     Conway     
in the County of Faulkner, and State of Arkansas, aged 18 years, according to law, and do you officially sign and return this license to the
parties herein named.
   WITNESS my hand and official seal, this 29 day of Dec A.D. 1906
(signed) J.H. Harly County Clerk


COUNTY OF FAULKNER.     } SS                           CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE

I J.O. Cautrell          do hereby certify that on the 30 day of
      Dec      A.D. 1907, I did duly and according to law, as commanded in the foregoing license, solemnize the Rite and
publish the Bans of Matrimony between the parties therein named.
   WITNESS by handthis 30 day of Dec A.D. 1907
My credentials are recorded in Book _____, Page ____ }            (signed)  ______J.O. Cautrell          
   Recorder’s office _________County, Ark.                   }                           Minister of the Gospel


COUNTY OF FAULKNER.     } SS                           CERTIFICATE OF RECORD

I, J.H. Haryn, Clerk of the County Court of said County, certify that the above
License for and certificate of marriage of      G.L.   Loveless           and
Minnie McPherson were, on the ___15    day of Jan 1907
Filed in my office and the same are now duly recorded on page 272 of Book "K" of Marriage Records.
    WITNESS my had and the seal of said County, this 15 day of Jan A.D. 1907
         J.H. Haryn          County Clerk.

What is learned from this record:
--A license was taken out on 29 Dec 1906
--Lee Kirby acted as surety for the bond. [Lee was the brother of Lon's first wife, Eliza]
--G.L. Loveless was 29.  Nannie McPherson was 18.
--G.L. lived in Linder, Faulkner Co.  Nannie McPherson lived in Conway, Faulkner Co.
--G.L. Loveless and Nannie McPherson were married 30 Dec 1906 by J.O. Cautrell [though the minister wrote 1907]
--The record was filed 15 day of Jan 1907. [Note, Nannie's name was spelled "Minnie"]

[1] "WW I Draft Registration," database and images, Ancestry.com, (http://www.ancestry.com, Conway, Faulkner Co, Arkansas, George Alonzo Loveless. 
[2] Arkansas, Faulkner Co, Marriage records v. K, p 272, Loveless-McPherson, 1906, film 1033400, Family History Library, Salt Lake City.

Copyright © 2013 by Lisa Suzanne Gorrell, Mam-ma's Southern Family


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