Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - List Your Matrilineal Line(s)

Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings asked us for Saturday Night Genealogy Fun to:

1) List your matrilineal line - your mother, her mother, etc. back to the first identifiable mother. Note: this line is how your mitochondrial DNA was passed to you!

2) Tell us if you have had your mitochondrial DNA tested, and if so, which Haplogroup you are in.

My matrilineal line is:
  • Lisa Gorrell
  • Lela Nell Johnston (1934 Stephenville, Texas - 1992 Walnut Creek, California) married William J Hork
  • Pansy Louise Lancaster (1913 Stephenville, Texas - ) married Tom J Johnston
  • Lela Ann Loveless (1896 Conway, Arkansas - 1951 Stephenville, Texas) married George Warren Lancaster
  • Eliza A Rogers (1854 South Carolina - 1907 Faulkner Co, Arkansas) married Ebenezer Loveless

I had the mitochondrial DNA test done on my grandmother.  The Haplogroup is U5 which show Northern Europe.  This was not the result I expected.  Family stories always were we have Native American ancestry in our line.  I'm sure it's still possible, but just not through Eliza Rogers.  I still don't understand completely the results and my goal is to study mtDNA more for better understanding.

Copyright © 2011 by Lisa Suzanne Gorrell, Mam-ma's Southern Family


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