Should Be a Movie: John Coor’s Travels Through Indian Country to Mississippi Territory[1]
There was no big catastrophic event that happened in my family, but I can think of several smaller events that would be nice to be portrayed in a movie, primarily so I could see their adventures visually. We don’t have many photos and certainly not photos of their travels. I would love to see a movie about the travels of my southern family as they traveled across the southern states, from North Carolina to Texas. Depending on the timeframe, the travel might have been accomplished using horses, oxen, or mules pulling a wagon of their goods while the family members walked alongside. Later, after the Civil War, once railroads were rebuilt, they may have journeyed by using trains. I do know that John Core, his mother, four sisters and two small children, along with some enslaved people, traveled from Richmond County in North Carolina through Indian Nation to the Western Country (which was what would be Mississippi Territory). Also traveling with his family were Mr. John Keayhey (which ...